I could give endless apologies for doing this, but I feel I should try nonetheless. Along with the studies for my final school exams that are currently keeping me hidden away from blogging, I’m busy trying to finish my fundraising for Project Trust. (see here for info)
This unfortunately leads me to try my luck at advertising my final large(ish) fundraiser, and maybe, just maybe, get a tiny donation from one or two people.
So this last fundraiser is a nice simple sponsored run. I won’t be fit enough in time to run any of the marathons before I go (already missed the London one), so instead i am planning to run round a local reservoir called Grapham water. As that would be considerably easier than running a marathon, I’m only giving myself an hour to do it in.
If I make enough money from this event, it will be the finishing line (excuse the entirely intended pun) for my fundraising, and I will be an incredibly happy, relieved and possibly slightly terrified (it does after all mean i’ll be on my way to China very soon afterwards…) fundraiser.
so, here is a link to the ‘Virginmoneygiving’ page i’ve set up for the event, in case there are any of you out there with a giant bag of generosity hidden away somewhere. In advance, I can’t thank you enough if you do give even the smallest donation.
And to those who are annoyed at me for trying to essentially get money out of you for fundraising, I apologise. Please please please don’t be too annoyed.
Oh, and as my exams will be over in 6 weeks, its not too long until I return to post something more interesting. Yay!
I am not annoyed… I just wish I had money to give… sigh…
The thought is more than enough, so I must thank you for that.
Thoughts don’t help, but I could use some charity myself.
you say thoughts don’t help, but really, just having people acknowledge that i’m trying has really helped me along the way. I wouldn’t have raised anywhere near what I have if it wasn’t for the guys that have just made positive comments. And that’s part of the reason i’m guilty to ask on the blog-i’m aware there are plenty of people struggling to have enough money for themselves at the moment, let alone others. So sorry about that side of things.
fundraising is fundraising, in whatever form you choose to go about doing it, brother. I dont see an issue đ
fundraising is fundraising, in whatever form you choose to go about doing it, brother. I dont see an issue đ
Thanks, I expected to have people complain about a plea for fundraising donations on a blog focussed mainly on poetry and language, so i’m glad that their doesn’t seem to have been any annoyed followers.
fundraising is dharma.
dharma is poetry brought to life.
yes, i suppose it is – I hadn’t thought of it like that. thanks again.