Within the calm of nature’s dream
sits a creature under its furry tail
and calm content eyes brightly gleam
to find a nut on its treetop trail
a squirrel so full of life and glee
knows not of his cold wise audience
two feathered fiends watch from a tree
and glare at him in sickly silence
calm stops fear creeps inside his heart
a raucous growl high in the trees
the crows spread wings to soon depart
to stalk another forest it sees.
Although most of my time is currently taken up with revision, I am technically on holiday at the moment and wanted to take some time to write something about one of moments this holiday where I haven’t been locked inside with the books pen and paper.
This short poem, which i may extend later depending on how I’m feeling, is based on our outing to watch the red squirrels in the lake district. Sorry to any readers who regularly visit the lakes and are now wondering where on earth there is a place where you can be sure to get a glimpse of these beautiful creatures-we’re keeping it secret to avoid the poor things having to move on somewhere else.
On this particular watching, we only saw one-usually there is a family of about six, which is simply incredible to watch so seeing only one was a little disheartening but still very enjoyable. There were however two crows sitting silently in the trees above the little creature and although they were minding their own business i came up with this idea that the crows were watching this lonely squirrell, plotting against it and the other creatures of the forest. I actually love crows and ravens, and this sudden view of evil crows coming from my mind suprised me, but nevertheless it made for an interesting scene.
Thanks for reading and feel free to comment đ (and to my most recent award giver, i promise i will make a post about it in the near future, but not just yet. thanks for your patience!)